Content Swingers
As every episode has a dedicated coach, there could be also a dedicated social media coach / curator / network fasilitator / content swinger for every episode. She/he could lead the discussion, tell about other Swing channels, give advice on how to use the channels, participate, contribute and discuss. Curating the channels (own and other) would also be one of the tasks.
Roles of the curators
- Providing an example of social media use that relates to learing, growth, creativity
- Giving advise on how to use social media: both from cultural perspective (find your tribe, free your self to allow mistakes and learn from them, understanding agency and ownership in social media etc.) as well as from technical point of view (e.g. which tools suit which purposes, how to start using those tools)
Basic tasks
- Engaging the discussion
- Asking questions, providing answers to the Swing Tribe
- ..more!
Suggestions for Swingers of the Month
Add yourself!
June @Liljajan?
July/August @LucianaPolonen? + ?