Pedagogical Strategy
The pedagogical strategy concentrates on the pedagogical ideas behind Swing and the pedagogical use of social media to implement these ideas and to achieve the goals of SwingToWin philosophy.
Pedagogical tagline: Swing is a global networked, informal and self-directed learning ecosystem for internally motivated and creative individuals.
The pedagogy is thus divided in to four concepts areas shown in the diagram:
Main pedagogical goals
- Pedagogical goals relate to learning to learn and learning to sing, learning to be creative in all fields of life.
- Swing pedagogy can be adapted to other fields of art and life.
- It aims to motivate people to learn self-directively
- to create a model for informal, self-directed and networked learning, which has not been popular in the field of classical music training.
- to change the concept of learning from teacher directed to self-directed and network supported creative learning
- to learn to break old habits, old ways of learning and learn to learn in novel ways, including networked learning
- to encourage people to find their element, so that they can grow and learn more freely
- to encourage people to find their tribe, so that they can learn in self-directed and networked ways.
Practical steps and activities
- Pedagogical goals relate to learning to learn and learning to sing, learning to be creative in all fields of life.
- Swing pedagogy can be adapted to other fields of art and life.
- It aims to motivate people to learn self-directively
- to create a model for informal, self-directed and networked learning, which has not been popular in the field of classical music training.
- to change the concept of learning from teacher directed to self-directed and network supported creative learning
- to learn to break old habits, old ways of learning and learn to learn in novel ways, including networked learning
- to encourage people to find their element, so that they can grow and learn more freely
- to encourage people to find their tribe, so that they can learn in self-directed and networked ways.
The SwingToWin ecosystem will need
- clear enough bounds for a sense of community, sense of presence, and sense of ownership to occur.
- needs to be open enough for anyone to participate, for creativity to blossom
- Tags or badges for identification of Swing people, Tags to be used in Youtube and other services, where Swing people act.
- A centralized hub: Ning or Elgg-community would be best, but if it is not possible economically, we would have to manage with Facebook group.
1. Self-directed learning
- A swing participant has an internal motivation to learn, thus Swing encourages self-directed learning in networked surroundings.
- Self-directed learning is often on-demand-based and intentional. Swing aims to help people set their goals and intentions and make learning internally motivated.
- A Swing learner has the agency and the ownership of his or her learning. This is supported by the community, the tribes and the presence in social media
- Swing tribe and the dedicated coaches can help and support by modelling, giving advice, motivating and providing resources to each other to learn self-directively. Swing aims to enhance skills for self-directed life-long learning.
- The tribe along with coaches aids in controlling one's learning: Self-directed learning does not mean totally uncontrolled and goalles learning.
How to support with social media?
- Using swing tags or badges, creating a sense of belonging to the swing tribe, being a part of the swing ecosystem
- A swing journal for people to share stories of their progress. This can be inside a platform (Ning or Elgg) or as dedicated personal swing blogs (Wordpress, blogger).
- Tribe and coaches provide models & guidance so that, learning is not uncontrolled and non-directional.
- Encourage people to share their progress in swing channels or by using swingtowin tags.
- Providing support from the network. A profile page in a Swing-hub/ platform is the start.
- Providing answers & assistance by the community and by the dedicated swing coaches
2. Informal learning
- Swing learners learn mostly in informal settings; thus Swing is an informal learning concept. Informal leaners need to be self-directed, passionate and internally motivated. Swing tribe is to support that in social media.
-De-formalizing the learning of classical music, which traditionally has been considered to be extremely formal and teacher directed.
- The informal nature of the Swing Learning Ecosystem makes it easier for people to join and engage in their own learning.
How to support with social media?
- By providing relaxed atmosphere, ownership of the learning, connecting like-minded people with each other with social media tools. Informal learners learn self-directively from peers, and external resources.
- By granting ownership, learning becomes more informal: by owning the learning environment, the learning environment becomes more informal, thus supporting creative self-expression, instead of performing according to pre-set rules.
- By encouraging people to create informal profiles of them selves and their practices
- By encouraging people to share their progress, their learning methods, to network with other Swing-learners.
- Social media provides the basis for serendipity to occur. Being part and growing in the SwingToWin tribe, as a part of the ecosystem, all members are viable parts of the ecosystem.
3. Participation and Networked learning
- In SwingToWin everyone is a learner, everyone is a teacher. It is highly important to understand and emphasize the ecosystem-nature of the Swing Tribe: every participator is of value for the network. The social media tools are to facilitate the formation of these networks, were trust can be gained, motivation rised, learning occured.
- Bringing out one's progress, problems, challenges (etc.) provides new possibilities for getting ideas, help, support. It also providea basis for serendipity.
- Learning through and from stories of peers and role models.
- - Swing aims to connect participants to both motivate and support each other, as well as provide basis for future collaborations
- Swing can be seen as a network of practice (expanded from the community of practice concept), where people participate to grow in to more skilled and prominent members of the tribe, parts of the ecosystem.
- Understanding and allowing serendipity to take place by connecting like-minded individuals within Swing.
How to support with social media?
- By creating centralized hub, a dedicated community platform (e.g. Ning, Elgg or FB group), which would increase a sense of community, sense of presence and proximity, and thus serendipity and motivation. Ning and Elgg require funding.
- Provide forums for stories, for example in blogs (members own, or within Ning/Elgg).
- Using Foursquare to identify other Swing people in events.
- Using or similar service to make music together no matter where you are and who you are.
4. Motivation
- Being motivated is at the heart of Swingtowin. SwingToWin people own their learning processes.
- Motivated learning is also intentional and self-directed, often informal!
- Thomas Regelski: Breaking 100 in music. When people reach certain level, they become addicted to their discipline of choise, e.g. music (or Golf, where the 100 comes from).
- A sense of belonging to the Swing tribe is basis for motivation e.g. a sense of community, ownership of ones creative activities, of proximity with other participants - Cristina leading the way.
- Internal motivation is the key to creative activities. One can not really be creative when externally motivated.
- Swing is not about competing against one another and winning external rewards, instead, it is about self-expression, self-development, serendipity, and reaching internal goals.
How to support with social media?
- Get support from the Tribe: blogging, adding progress videos to youtube etc.
- People can set and publish their goals in their SwingToWin profiles, thus making learning intentional.
- Developing heiaheia type of motivational mechanics.
- Sensing to be part of the Swing Tribe or the Swing Ecosystem by using tags or giving people special SwingBadges.
- Exploring a way to build a HeiaHeia -type of system for singing and other fields of SwingtoWin learning.
- Social media provides the channels for self-expression and creative activities, for self growth.