Pedagogical goals and framework
What are the pedagogical goals / what is the ped. purpose
- Learning to learn
- Skills & methods for networked learning
- Bringing out the possibilities of informal learning
- Internal motivation and peer appreciation
- Participatory learning: How to support, scaffold & create basis for parcipatory learning activities?
- Learning classical music has traditionally been externally motivated & teacher directed--> Changing this culture should be one of the goals
- Connect participants to both motivate and support each other, as well as provide basis for future collaborations
How to support the above goals with social media (as tools, as a culture, as ways of doing things?)
Breaking old habits
I think we also aim at challenging 'old methods' of learning and the old way of thinking about the process of learning. Also for some, this is a whole new way of working and growing as persons in professional terms.
Swing is about learning to break old habits, learning to think differently, learning in new ways by trying to break the burden of old cultures of learning.