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Tools and Channels


  • consistency in messages and visuals
  • one admin for every channel or one for many (ref.
  • Should be determined, whether some of the channels allow content from the paticipants and which are dedicated to the content produced in the actual swingtowin project or by the "official" participants. Flickr for instance should be dedicated to the pictures from the filming etc., but anyone who participates could use Swingtowin tags for publishing their swing-related photos. (Of course tags are freely available, so swingtowin tag can be used for other purposes too.)
  • The purpose, value, the use, and target group should be defined for each tool (e.g. georaphical, age group, participants, wider audience, fans, media..).
  • Cross-promotion of the channels + contacting influencers + promoting in influencer communities (


  • One possibility could be VKontakte

Discuss & brainstorm

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It could be good to shift the ownership of swing in social media towards the participants. Meaning that by adopting the Swing ideology and identifying with it, the users could have possibilities to use or even curate their own channels of choice, of course by first gaining reputation as a Swing curator. Or?
msalavuo   (03.05.2011 10:17)

Sharing is a crucial part. Because of the global nature of Swing, people should be able to share content to also more exotic services.
oskariuotinen oskariuotinen   (01.05.2011 23:45)

Added under Facebook at least some of those social media sites swingtowin crowd has created so far. More of them - Flickr, Twitpic, Ditto? - and so on, to be used eg. with

(AddThis has listed at the moment 351 social media sites: )
jal53   (01.05.2011 12:29)